Master Instructor Sanae Maeda Demonstration

Yuuma Study Group headed by its chairwoman Mrs. Huda Fallaha invited Master Instructor Sanae Maeda from Sogetsu Headquarters to conduct a flower life show demonstration during the Sogetsu Festival week organized by Yuuma S. G. On September 29th, in a beautiful setting, the private garden of Yuuma member Mrs. Ghada Bdeir Master Instructor demonstrated 7 arrangements. She showed the avant- garde trend introduced to the art of Ikebana by the Sogetsu Iemotos; the use of acrylic plates and twisted mirrored metallic ribbon. The audience numbered more than 130 was presided by his excellency the ambassador of Japan and Mrs. Hidenao Yanagi, Members of Diplomatic court in Jordan, President of Ikebana International , Jordan and head of Ikebana Schools in Amman.

The attendees enjoyed and were amazed by the talented great artist Master Instructor Sanae Maeda.

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